MSM Supplements

Key benefits of the forgotten nutrient MSM

With winter on our doorstep, we know how extremely important it is to boost our bodies with the vitamins and minerals it needs to stay strong. Whether we do so through our diet or through supplements, a combination of Vitamin C and B-Complex has proven to be key to making it through winter with as few ‘sneezes’  and hiccups as possible.

While we may know the basics in terms of our greens and orange foods, supplements, smoothies and shakes – there is one nutrient that is often forgotten, quite erroneously.  The nutrient we are referring to is Methylsuffonylmethane or MSM.

MSM is an organic sulphur compound formed during the earth’s rain cycle.  This nutrient is found naturally in unprocessed foods, but sadly is lost through the cooking and other food processes and so we rarely provide our bodies with this essential nutrient.

If MSM is such an essential nutrient, why haven’t I heard of it?
Strangely enough MSM is actually present in our body.  After water and sodium, our body uses 1/8th of a teaspoon of sulphur each day when we are in rest mode – and even more when we are ill or active. And since biological sulphur is the main carrier of oxygen across the cell membrane, it plays an extremely important role in boosting our immune systems – as with increase oxygen transport comes an increase in nutrient uptake.

But what does this mean?
Well there are many key benefits that this forgotten nutrient offers. Here are just a few you may be interested in:

Repair your body
Firstly it aids the body in repairing itself. As phosphate dissolves, MSM helps break down unhealthy calcium deposits and in doing so may relieve symptoms caused by conditions like arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It is also one of the key components in amino acids, the basic building blocks of protein.

Rejuvenate your body
Who does not want to look a little younger than they are – naturally. MSM can aid in rejuvenating your body, but also plays its part in producing collagen. Working with Vitamin C, MSM aids your skin in building new and healthy tissue and can diminish the effect of sagging, dry and wrinkled skin – all the tell-tale sign of ageing. MSM also plays a role in keratin production and so is vital for healthy hair and nails.

Re-energise your body
Since sulphur is integral to carrying oxygen into the cell. With age, our cells become more ‘stubborn’ and rigid and so less oxygen and nutrients can enter. MSM can increase the permeability of cell walls, and in doing so your cells have a better chance of absorbing all-important nutrients and oxygen. Through this process your body releases more toxins and absorbs more of the good stuff it needs – giving you more energy and a healthier immune system.

The list can go on, but we would say this offers enough food for thought for you to consider MSM as an essential nutrient in your diet.  And with enough on your plate already – we have made it easy by adding MSM to our supplements. Just one less thing to worry about, while ensuring your body and immune system gets the boost it needs, from top, to toe, to cellular level.

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